Tuesday, April 10, 2012

STEVEN KANUMBA - Laid to Rest (Pictures)

Eyewitness Piks Courtesy of Bea Lujwangana
Bea, Ally, Jokate, Martin and company pay there respects to the late STEVEN KANUMBA

Pictures Courtesy of Global Publishers:
Casket of the late one at Leaders Grounds, location known for
having large concerts being utilized to send Kanumba home
Crowds in the thousands turned out to pay their last respects
Red Cross in conjunction with the Tanzanian Guard were in attendance for the security & well being of everyone
People utilizing every advantage including trees to witness the funeral
Government officials including the Vice President Ghalib Bilal
People helping out with a faint victim, people were just passing out everywhere 

Bongo Movie celebs showing their gratitude & respect to the late Kanumba

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